Thursday, December 11, 2008


1. What are some of the prevailing themes in Wall-E? List at least 3 and choose one to explain in greater depth. Explain your answer.
Themes: Love, Environment, Technology, Care, Future

The theme of love is usually found in humans, but the addition of robotic affection was what got me in this film. The way that robots found love then extended it to the human characters was a great idea. The theme of love isn't just found between humans and robots, but also between humans/robots and our earth. The fact that a huge human population came back down to an abandoned earth to rejuvenate it and return it to its former beauty was heartwarming.

2. How does the movie explore the theme? Give examples.

The movie explored the theme of love quite effectively. Sound, atmosphere and repetition of movement helped convey the theme. Some examples would be the old love song replayed on Wall-E’s machine, the repeated emphasis on hands being held / touching and the calm, dim lit atmosphere of outer-space and Wall-E’s home with the lights easily comparable to the stars themselves. Lastly, the repetition of the robots saying each others’ names and the simple actions they performed for each other conveyed the theme very well (e.g. Wall-E walking up the chute to give EVE the plant, Wall-E taking of care of EVE when she was shut down on earth, and EVE taking care of Wall-E in return when he was broken).

3. Wall-E uses references to 20th and early 21st century media, design, and society. Give examples. Why do you think these have been included in the film?
Rubics cubes, light bulbs, sporks, iPod, the design of the space ship is very similar to the Disney Cruise Ships
I think using objects that are so familiar to an audience definitely increases the interest in what we're seeing on screen, because we can relate to them and have our own stories with those certain objects.

4. Choose from the following: sound design, character design, cinematography, editing, script, architecture, lighting, character animation, or music. How was the particular element used to convey emotion, describe context, move the plot etc…Describe an instance in which your chosen element is used effectively.

Character design was very vital in the movie Wall-E. The characters’ materials used describe the age of the characters and the physical capabilities they had (e.g. Wall-E was definitely an older robot with rusted old metal, with eyes easily comparable to binoculars while EVE’s look was almost inspired by an iMac with the slick, clean, and white design making her appear brand new). Since the first half hour of the movie was based on one character, they made the robot of Wall-E captivating to move the plot along by providing him with a happy, curious personality, along with giving him his own individual, unique life (compounding garbage, but saving certain items). The way they make his eyes adjust, or angle slightly definitely conveyed his emotion. I think character design was was used effectively throughout the movie whether it was Wall-E's, EVE's or the humans' design (useless fat lards). I think making the humans so useless was very effective to the human audience because it gives us a personal insight on how that can actually happen to us if we don't watch what we do with ourselves andddd the earth itself.

5. The movie uses repeated motifs (for example the cockroach getting run over). Describe one and explain why you think it is repeated.

Once again, the repetition of Wall-E folding his hands together displays his longing for love throughout the movie, and once you see EVE do the same, and then grab his hand, the unity really grips you because of that repeated motion done by one robot is what you’re so used to until then.

6. The robots take on human characteristics and the humans have taken on robotic characteristics. What does this serve?

I happen to think it’s very ironic in the way that at the beginning the humans are almost so robotic due to their schedules being the same all the time. The fact that robots like Wall-E and EVE actually have personalities and teach the humans what we now consider to be human is very interesting and thought invoking. It makes me wonder if we’re going to be come exactly what we create.


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