Monday, November 30, 2009

Bring $1 000 000 to the star bucks on university at king St at 12: 17 and 37.745 seconds sharp. There will be a man wearing a black and white tuque. Ask him for the big cheese. He will hand you a big wheel of cheese and he'll tell you to give it to the woman at the cash after saying delivery from the Deli. She will give you a key to a storage unit after you give her the cheese wheel after you stuff the money in it. The storage unit # will be on the key she gives you. At the unit you will have to give a pass word t the security guard that the lady at the cash gives you. You will find your daughter and your camera there along with another wheel of cheese to enjoy for following instructions. If you fail this assignment you will never see your daughter or camera again. THIS MESSAGE WILLS SELF DESTRUCT IN 5…4….3….2…1!!!!!!

P.S the key to solving the password is the processed liquid from a female bovine that tastes delicious

Eric Oliver

1 comment:

Comm Tech said...

I really enjoyed that post Eric.