Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wall-E Questions

1)What are some of the prevailing themes in Wall-E? List at least 3 and choose one to explain in greater depth. Explain your answer?

Some of the themes shown in Wall-E were Environment, Love and Exercise. Environment and love are simple to understand. Exercise was hidden, we saw humans sitting on chair for their entire life, and use to not do exercise. We as the audience should get the message out of it and should exercise so that we can stand up and protect our self when necessary.

2)How does the movie explore the theme? Give examples?

People in space have never stood up for a long time. We see them standing up in the end of the movie, when the captain shuts down the machine. We should learn a lesson, exercise otherwise you will be taken over by machines and there will be nothing you can do about that.

3)Wall-E uses references to 20th and early 21st century media, design, and society. Give examples. Why do you think these have been included in the film?

I think it was just to support one of the themes environments. One of the examples in the film was when Wall-E was watching T.V, the environment was clean and safe in the song they were showing; I think that it was to inform us about the environment, so that we keep it clean, live on earth and do not end up in any situation in which the only option we have is to leave earth on a space shuttle and been taken over by machines.

4)Choose from the following: sound design, character design, cinematography, editing, script, architecture, lighting, character animation, or music. How was the particular element used to convey emotion, describe context, move the plot etc…Describe an instance in which your chosen element is used effectively?

Sound design was one of the major element which made Wall-E an excellent movie. For example, the sound of Wall-E himself was something not common you do not hear it often. We did not see Eve speaking a lot, except for “Wall- E”. The voice of Wall-E and Eve let the audience know that Wall-E is a male robot and Eve is a female robot. The sound of the soundtrack was emotional depending on the satiation, e.g. when Wall-E got damaged Eve was looking for a new chip to get him going again, the music played at that time was touching.

5)The movie uses repeated motifs (for example the cockroach getting run over). Describe one and explain why you think it is repeated?

One of the parts shown quite a few times was the house of Wall-E. It showed the audience the amount of useful things that were considered waste and thrown away. It was just to let the viewers know that sometimes you think something is a waste but in reality it is not.

6)The robots take on human characteristics and the humans have taken on robotic characteristics. What does this serve?

Being what you have created is the worst thing to happen. Humans taking on the robotic character showed us that we will not have any life if we be like robots, just sitting on the chair roaming around doing nothing. We will be asking machines to do our work for us. Robots on the other hand will do more work that us and as a results we will be depended on the and they will be taking over us.

7)Overall, would you describe this film as a “good” film? Why? Why not? What would you change?

Overall the movie was first-class entertainment and comedy. The movie emphasized on environment, love and exercise. It made people think about the planet, it informs people to take care of it, do not waste lot. The thing I would change is the plot of Wall-E and Eve by making it longer because it was short. Otherwise the animation and the theme all were excellent I would rate it 4 out of 5.

Done By:

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