Sunday, December 14, 2008

WALL-E Questions

Some prevailing themes in WALL-E are affection, the environment and co-operation.

Affection is shown between WALL-E and Eve when they first meet, and this connection continues throughout the movie. Affection is also shown between John and Mary when they are “freed” from their screens and make physical human contact. WALL-E also makes friends with M-O, the buffer robot that cleans the interior of the Axiom.

The environment is a large theme and is clearly shown when the images of earth in the future show it covered in garbage all the way into space. At the ending, the humans all come together and help clean up the earth and restore it to a livable environment.

Lastly, co-operation is a theme in the movie because the plot revolves around robot-robot co-operation, robot-human co-operation and human-human co-operation. The robots in the movie are all designed to work together to accomplish their duties. The robots also have to interact with the humans they are serving. The relationship between John and Mary shows human-human co-operation as they both help save a pile of children from sliding off the side of the Axiom.

On earth, WALL-E is fascinated with the old 20th century musical film “Hello, Dolly!”, and he also collects many objects from the 20th and 21st centuries like the spork or a metal flip lighter. I think these things were included in the film set in the 22nd century because they were prime examples of how the earth used to be and how the earth exists to us right now. Including them in the film helps the viewers make the connection of earths past as they view it in the future.

The character animation in the film helps show many aspects of the plot and emotion in the characters. The main characters in the film are robots, and they speak very little. Instead, they show their emotions mainly though body language and this is where the character animation comes in greatly. WALL-E and EVE’s facial expressions show their emotions and makes it easy to see how they are feeling in a certain situation. The animation also helps the plot, because it sets up scenes and even foreshadows upcoming events in the story.

A motif in the film that is repeated is how WALL-E always wants to feel what it’s like to hold hands with another, after he sees it in the movie “Hello, Dolly!” every time he watches it. He makes many efforts to try and hold EVE’s hand, but unfortunately he is unsuccessful most of the time. I think this was included in the film because it shows WALL-E’s attraction to EVE and the bond between them.

Since the main characters are all robots, it is them who get the most human characteristics in the movie, and the humans are dumbed down because they are not in as big of focus. It is also interesting to see it switched for a change, with the robots feeling emotions and the humans all zombie-like after hundreds of years slothing around.

Overall, I think this is a very good film, and one of the best animated films ever made. It has many subtle concepts of emotion and companionship and like almost every other great film, has an important moral at the ending. Love stories are also heartwarming and have happy endings.


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