Thursday, September 25, 2008

3D Modeler

Careers Assignment

A 3D modeler is a person who creates small scale models of real objects on a computer for use in movies, or animated films. They make objects that range from still objects to objects that move, objects like tables to people or animals. A main modeling process is called Polygonal Modeling. Polygonal Modeling is points in 3D space, called vertices that are connected in a linear fashion to form a polygonal mesh. The vast majority of 3D models today are built as textured polygonal models. These models are the most flexible and easiest to work with. Another process is called NURBS. NURBS surfaces are defined by Spline curves, which are influenced by weighted control points. Increasing the weight of one point will pull the curve closer to that point. NURBS are particularly suitable for organic modeling.
As a 3D modeler you can sell your old models on an online marketplace specifically designed for modelers to sell off old models. You can make more money off of old models because companies can save a lot of money by buying a pre-made model instead of hiring someone to create one from scratch. This is a great way to make money and create a name for yourself as a 3D modeler.
To become a 3D modeler you are required to have a minimum qualification of an arts degree through college or university. Great experience with computers and software that you would use in the workplace. Such as Lightwave, this program is used in the industry today to create 3D models to be used in games and film.


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