Friday, September 12, 2008

Element - Line H.R

Line is an element of art that is used to define contours, shapes, outlines or to express a specific type of feeling. It is also used to point out important characteristic of a design.

Characteristic of Line are:
• Width- thick, thin, tapering, uneven
• Length - long, short, continuous, broken
• Direction- horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curving, perpendicular, oblique, parallel, radial, zigzag
• Focus- sharp, blurry, fuzzy, choppy
• Feeling- sharp, jagged, graceful, smooth
Types of Line:
1. Outlines- Lines made by the edge of an object or its outline.
2. Contour Lines- Lines that describe the shape of a picture or object and the interior detail.
3. Gesture Lines- Line that is lively and describes the movement and gestures of a moving figure.
4. Sketch Lines- Lines that captures the appearance of an object or impression of a place.
5. Calligraphic Lines- Greek word meaning “beautiful writing.” Elegant handwriting or lettering done by hand. Also artwork that has flowing lines like an elegant handwriting.
6. Implied Line- Lines that are not actually drawn but created by a group of objects seen from a distance. The direction an object is pointing to, or the direction a person is looking at.

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