Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Graphic Designer

The Job:

Graphic designers are experts in visual communication. They use colours, photographs, illustrations, font styles, and other graphics to convey a message, tell a story, or create a particular feeling. Graphic designers create identities for products, services, companies, organizations, and government agencies. Their work can persuade, inform, and entertain the public. The first step in any design project is speaking with the client. The next step is to present several rough drafts to the client. Finally, the designer takes all of the project elements—such as photographs, text, illustrations, and layout design—and puts them together into a polished final product.

Where To Work:

Graphic designers work for advertising agencies and design firms. They also work in the design, advertising, or communication departments of large companies. Many graphic designers work as independent freelancers.


Junior : $20 000 - 57 000

Intermediate: $20 000 - 72 000

Senior: $25 000 - 90 000

Freelance: $20 000 - 160 000


1. High school diploma

2. College or University (diploma or degree)

z'all good,


1 comment:

Comm Tech said...

p.s. that was by m.l
haha i forgot to put my name on it