Sunday, November 9, 2008

BORED A WORK: A Trilogy by HK

Part One: Snoozies and Sugarhighs

I work at the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery. I work most Sundays. Sometimes I wonder.. why am I here? We sell almost nothing on Sundays. There are a few reasons, and I know them all:

Reason 1: People are at home, asleep.
Reason 2: People are at church, asleep.
Reason 3: People are at home stressing about the week ahead.

And so, I am forced to create activities to stimulate my brain. This wards off insanity and boredom-induced comas. At least, that's what I'm goin' for. Below you will see two crappy cell phone photographs. An original sketch by yours truly (I mean me), depicting my love for our CommTech Family. The other is a photo of what we call the "Emergency Drawer" at work. It's full of Doritos, Pocky, Tea, and Cookies. I eat junk from it... often.

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