Monday, November 24, 2008

Brand Company Comparison

Outer Space..

All NASA missions had to do with moon and mars; some of them were just fixing satellites out in space. Virgin galactic takes you to space, according to website ( the ticket is $200,000. The website has images of how the space looks like and it makes one wants to go and travel space. Space is a huge place to travel and discover new things. The craft designed by them will not take you to the places where NASA has been e.g. mars, to the satellites or the moon. Their website has videos which informs you about their company and their strategies. The creepy thing about their website was that their homepage had view the movie link which goes away and comes back when you take your pointer on it. My brand will also have a similar website and similar product. Since we know we do not have any images to post on our website but I am sure when it is out we will make you travel using out Aircraft. We will put commercials and ads on different magazines and newspapers. However we can not make you satisfied until you journey with us and try it yourself. We will be informing you about the updates of our brand. Keep looking for our ads and commercials on TV. For any question call us on the number provided on the website.

Done by : T.A

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