Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Organize a thematic screening

I went to my friend’s house for his birthday party, we both agreed that we would get some homework done before we left; so we went to Rodgers Video and picked up two movies. The movies we picked up were ‘Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’ and ‘The Happening.’

Indiana Jones starts off in a secret military base called ‘Hanger 51’ (Area 51) and is in a desert in the south western portion of America (Nevada Testing Site). Indiana Jones is called in by the Russians to find the Crystal Skull and give it to them, little does he know about the power it holds within. The rest of the story revolves around the skull, how they use its power, and the effects it has on the characters and events.

My favorite part was where Indiana Jones was walking through a town in the Nevada Testing Site; he was trying to look for some help so he went to a family and saw that they were fake versions of real people. Then he looked around and realized everything else in the town was fake. Not knowing what to do, he stumbled around a bit and an alarm went off. An intercom turned on and started counting down to zero. Indiana Jones knew this was not good and rapidly searched for something to hide in. The camera then zoomed out and showed us a tall tower holding an atomic bomb on top. He finally got to a lead lined fridge just in time and just after he shut the door; a bright flash happened and everything started to get really hot. Some things melted and others caught on fire. After that; everything got blown away and disintegrated…except for the fridge. He flew a few kilometers away without dying, landed without getting a concussion, got out without any burns or bruises, and looked at the brightly lit mushroom cloud without getting blind.

This is my favorite part for several reasons; first of all, it’s so unbelievable that it’s at the point were you can’t help but laugh at it. Secondly, it’s pretty epic and has excellent special effects. And third; my Grandpa used to work at the Nevada Testing Site and would tell me about the nuclear testing that went on there. His descriptions matched perfectly with what happened on the movie, with the exception of the fake town which was probably put in there for entertainment purposes. I admire this part because it’s the only movie I’ve seen that notes what they really did at Area 51, and not the popular belief that aliens crashed there and they study them.

The second movie I watched was ‘The Happening’. It was pretty interesting and thought provoking, but it’s hard to say whether or not it was entertaining. It starts off with two people in a park just minding their own business. For reasons unknown, everyone stops walking and starts killing themselves. People kill themselves in a healthy variety of ways; such as stabbing knifes and glass into themselves, hanging themselves from trees, shooting themselves in the head, laying underneath large electric lawn mowers, driving their cars into walls/trees, and jumping off of buildings (which was actually rather funny to watch).

Afterwards, you find out that this epidemic was cause by a gas that was emitted from plants, the gas itself would disable a part of our brains which filters out some of our thoughts; such as killing ourselves. The plants did this because we humans have become too destructive to nature, and now nature has evolved and wants to get us back.

If there’s anything this movie was good at; it was giving us the right feeling at the right time. Sometimes we’d get frightened and cover our eyes from the pain and death, and sometimes we’d get curious and wonder what the heck’s going on. It was really easy to get into this movie, but it was also rather easy to get out of too. When we finished, we continuously made fun of it and it’s somewhat poor script writing. Lines like "I see calculus...I see calculus...I see calculus" and "my bicycle...my bicycle" were brought up a lot.

After watching both I can safely say Indiana Jones was much better, it seemed to have higher production values and was faster paced. If you go to the store and wonder which movie to get, you’ll know the answer.

PS. Sorry for the length, I had no idea it would be this long :/

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