Thursday, November 20, 2008

My brand will be called crick. It will be specialize in sports equipment and apparel. Just like all the famous sporting goods companies – nike, adidas, reebok, etc. – my company will have different departments, depending on sport. Initially, I think I will start off with cricket. It makes sense, because that incorporates half of the company’s name already. Additionally, I had a few ideas about cricket advertisements. I’ve thought about the different angles, and eliminated many potential snapshots of a cricket batsman. I’ve analyzed many different positions of the batsman. A few of them include when the batsman is midway through his swing. Another is from behind the batsman, as he looks out at the shot he has just made. Of the many other’s I have looked at, I have specifically narrowed my first cricket advertising campaign to a front view of a batsman, after he hit a shot. The actual advertisement will obviously have to take some more time. I look to expand my company to incorporate many other sports, although I am still contemplating whether I should concentrate all my efforts into one sport, or try to steer my company towards many different sports.

Getting back on topic, the aesthetic of my band will largely be similar to Apple’s advertising campaign – simple, yet effective. Although my company cannot fully be compared to Apple, it will follow the same advertising techniques. I look to simplify everything around the logo, and place emphasis on the logo. My advertising will also mirror the nike commercials in some sense. I will capture athletes in the middle of a action related to the sport. These snapshots will convey feelings of motion, and power. However, because the emphasis will largely be placed on the logo itself, it will further empower the brand. This will help develop the metaphor that my company will bring that invigorating edge to the athlete.

My logo will also be simple, yet instantly recognizable (quite similar to Apple and Nike, and mostly all successful companies). The name is easy to recognize, simple while still maintaining a visual appeal. Above are a few preliminary sketches for my logo.

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